This I Believe

I believe in giving the behavior kid a chance

I was once one of the behavior kids. But people still gave me a chance. Why would they give me a chance you may ask? Well, I was the behavior kid who my teachers and principals saw potential in even though I was one of the worst. Though I was doing the wrong things in school people still listened and heard my side of the story, and this gave me hope.

The first time I realized the adults in my life believed in me was when I first got into therapy. My therapist said, “La’Kiya, don’t you know that the adults in your life are rooting for you because they know you’re a smart girl? They just don’t know how to help you.” At first I thought, “She’s just saying that to make me feel and do better,” but then I started to see exactly what she was talking about. The adults in my life, until this day, fight for me regardless of all my mistakes and mishaps.

I believe that getting the inside look of the behavior kid's mind can help change his/her life. I know this because a lot of adults helped to change mine by listening and not ignoring me. You never know how much your words can motivate a person. Without the kind words and the help of a lot of adults I don’t think I would have got this far.

Before I started to receive help It was very hard for me to change my ways. I had so much negativity around me. So many people would say mean things to me and I believed everything they said to me. Not one person aside from my mom made me feel like I was capable of being successful in life. And because of that, my behavior got worse. Having a life full of negativity made it so hard for me to want to do better because I had no motivation.

My first ever therapy session was the start to a better path for me. Hearing positive things about myself gave me motivation. The road wasn’t and still isn’t easy for me but the positivity around me is what keeps me going and is the reasoning for me never giving up. The people around me not giving up and being patient with me is what helped me get as far as I’ve got. Certain people supporting me and pushing me regardless of my behavior is why I’ve gotten as far as I am today.

So you ask, why should you give the behavior kid a chance? Well, my answer is because I was given a chance. People around me didn’t give up on me even though I was an issue and was hard headed at times. Because I was given a chance, I made it this far in my life and I am now not even a year away from graduating high school.

This is why I believe in giving the behavior kid a chance.

Written by: La'Kiya Cobb, 11th Grader, City Neighbors High School


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