The School that Helped Us Stay

When my son was two-years old, I began thinking about where he would attend school.  I envisioned a school that was diverse, that had a developmentally-appropriate child centered curriculum, where the building was bright and airy, and where the teachers were not only competent, but also committed to growing in their craft.  City Neighbors Hamilton checked off all of the boxes on our list. The months leading up to the kindergarten lottery were stressful.  My husband and I attended so many open houses for private, charter, and public schools in the area that I had to create a color-coded spreadsheet to keep them organized.  If our son didn’t get into a school on our list, we were open to relocating out-of-state. 

From the moment we arrived to City Neighbors Hamilton we knew we were home.  We’ve watched my third grader thrive in a space where he’s challenged and supported academically, and where he is pushed to be a critical thinker and a thoughtful community member.  My youngest son started kindergarten this year. Watching him slowly emerge from a shy five-year-old into a confident six-year-old has been incredible.  While we know no school is perfect, we've witnessed school leadership and staff encourage feedback and make shifts as needed.  City Neighbors Hamilton continues to affirm our decision to stay in Baltimore City, and it's created as space where our children and family can grow.

Written by: Raina Wilson, Parent, City Neighbors Hamilton


This I Believe


Community Strengthened Through Chaos