Here we are, deep in the Baltimore summer, and for the first time in 11 years we aren't doing any major construction at City Neighbors.  Since we first opened we have been adding grades, opening schools, renovating spaces...but not this summer.  We just have the usual touch ups, maintenance, and repairs.  So, what are we doing?  Summer Camp!

Thanks to the vision of our Camp Director, Kate Seidl, and our faculty and staff, this year the very first City Neighbors Children Summer Camp is up and running for the month of July.  With 40 students from 1st through 4th grade our camp is focused on literacy, math, and giving our students a true camp experience.  What is a true camp experience?  To us, that means plenty of targeted reading and writing anchored in amazing experiences like gardening, bike riding, field trips, visiting artists, clay work, songwriting, cooking, games, walking to the library, camping overnight, making friends, laughter, singing, dancing, and the joyful work of summertime.  Pretty much the usual City Neighbors experience - but in the summer.

We look forward to digging in to the data:  our reading levels, vocabulary, and of course, the most difficult to measure - every child being Known, Loved, and Inspired!

Next year we hope to expand our summer camp.  Offer it to more students, more teachers, and let it grow.  In the meantime, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!

CN Summer Camp

Camping overnight on campus.

Working with our Youthworker!

Some fun and clay work by the boys!

4 students took off the training wheels with the help of some friends!


Education and Justice in Baltimore


This is Not a Test!